welcome to the hs fight club

This HS Fight Club platform was created to spread awareness and light to Hidradenitis Suppurativa. It’s predicted that 0.3-0.4% of the world population has HS, yet many people are not diagnosed. Just like many others, the creator of HS Fight Club member Mahala Preudhomme has had HS since she was 13 years old but didn’t get properly diagnosed until she was 23. Mahala made this organization because there are so many stigmas around HS and a lack of representation.

About Mahala

HS Fight Club Founder

I was diagnosed with HS at 23 years old after having it for 13 years. HS has been a key factor in my depression and anxiety like many others. At the age of 25 I signed with one of the biggest modeling agencies in the world and I knew I had to start speaking about life with HS. Photographers, stylist, and even many of my family members have looked at me with disgust not having the awareness to know this disease isn’t due to personal hygiene. Many of us, including me don’t have proper resources or spaces… which is why i created this HS Fight Club

More about HS Fight Club

Our HS Fight Club produces HS centered content from diary entries, testimonials, and more. We also have a team of photographers that photographs HS Fight Club warriors. Mahala, the owner documents her personal day to day experiences having HS along with many photos and videos as a model battening with HS. We hope to expand our platform to new stations, magazines, and festivals.